K-max Racing、ホームとなる日本戦も厳しい戦いに
K-max Racingは、チーム代表兼監督の芳賀健輔と、世界選手権43勝を誇り、このアジアロード選手権シリーズへの参戦も今年で3年目を迎える芳賀紀行の兄弟によるチーム。使用するマシンはYAMAHA YZF-R6(ダンロップタイヤ使用)、ゼッケンナンバーは「41」である。
走行初日の1日(金)の練習走行、ベストタイムでは2分14秒あたりで走行し、なかなかセッションごとの順位では振るわなかったものの、チームは着実にセットアップを続けていき、2日に行なわれた予選セッションでは、2分12秒685のタイムで、5番グリッド を獲得。
そして迎えた決勝レース1、3日午後3時6分のスタートとなる。芳賀の乗るYZF-R6は、好スタートを決め、1コーナーへの飛び込みで2番手までポジションを上げ、さらに前を捉えて、いったんはトップに出たものの、その後はズルズルと後退してしまい、最終 的には7位でフィニッシュとなった。
翌4日のレース2も同じ午後3時6分にスタート。2列目センターからスタートとなった芳賀の41号車は、レース1同様に好スタートを決め、1コーナー進入で3番手まで順位を上げるが、ここまで。レース1同様にズルズルと後退していき、レース2決勝は、12位でゴー ルとなった。今シーズン全6戦で行なわれるARRCだが、この第3戦鈴鹿を終え、これで前半戦は終了。芳賀のポイントランキングは12番手、チームランキング9番手となった。残る3戦での奮闘に期待したい。
現在、瑛大はイタリア国内戦を現在ヤマハR3で戦っている。彼にとっては昨年のスズキ・アジアン・チャレンジ以来の鈴鹿戦となった。2回目の練習走行セッションでは転倒などもあったが、走り出しの練習走行セッションでは2分40秒385だったベストタイム も、走行を重ねるごとに確実にタイムを削っていき、予選では2分34秒992(29番グリッド)、決勝レース1で27位、レース2では25位という結果で、2レースを終えている。
K-max Racing, home game in Japan will also be a tough fight
In 2017, the FIM Asia Road Race Championship (ARRC) came to the third
game at the Suzuka Circuit which will be the only game in Japan out of the
whole series. For K-max Racing, which just started participating in the ARRC
Super Sport 600 class this season, it is the battle at
home. There was one and a half month of time to prepare for this Suzuka round
since the ARRC's second race.
K-max Racing is a team of bothers, Noriyuki Haga, who is the representative and also the
director of the team and Kensuke Haga who won 43 World Championships in the
world championships and this is his third time to participate in this Asian
Road Championship Series. The machine to be used is YAMAHA YZF-R 6 (Dunlop tire is used),
the number is "41".
ARRC is a series of games that are held in five different Asian
countries and has 12 races in 6 events. 2 races are scheduled
in one event. In the third round in this season,
three practice runs will be held on June 2nd (Friday), qualifying and the final race 1 will be on
June 3rd (Sat) and race 2 will take
a place on the 4th (Sunday).
On the first practice run on day 1 (Friday), their best time was around 2 minutes and 14
seconds that they could not ranked themselves high in the
each session but the team steadily continued the set-up.
The team’s hard work on the first day paid off and they won the fifth grid with
the time of 2'12"685 in the qualifying session on day 2.
The final race 1 started at 3:06 pm on day 3. Haga with YZF-R6
kicked off with a good start. He raised the position to the 2nd by jumping
into the 1st corner and even jumped to the first place at one point but he speeded down towards the end of the
race. He was the 7th racer to come back to the finish line.
The final race 2 on day 4 also started at 3:06 pm. Haga's number
41 car which started from the center of the second row,
also kicked off with a good start, and he climbed up to
3rd by entering 1 corner just like the final
race 1, however, he again lost the
speed and reached to the goal line in 12th place. Haga marked 12th
of the point ranking and as a team, they marked 9th after the first
3 races out of 6. The remaining 3 races will be tough but we expect their best
In this Suzuka, Akito Haga,
the eldest son of Noriyuki Haga, also played a spot entry game at the Yamaha
R25 in the AP 250 class of ARRC. It was a great opportunity for Akito to gain
some race experiences during his summer vacation. Akito is currently fighting
the Italian national fight at Yamaha R3 now. This was his first race of Suzuka since
last year's Suzuki Asian Challenge. In the second practice session, there were falls, however, in the practice running session, he achieved to cut down his best time which
was 2 minutes 40 seconds 385 gradually and finally to 2 minutes and 34 seconds
in the qualifying 992 (29th grid),
finishing 2 races with 27th place in the final race 1 and 25th place in the final
race 2.
The next round of ARRC will be held at the Centre Circuit in Indonesia from Saturday, August 12th to Sunday 13th (Sunday),

芳賀健輔 | チーム代表兼監督
「今回は地元でのレースということで、チーム初参戦となった開幕戦・第2戦から足りなかったものの準備をし、エンジンその他のリフレッシュもしたうえでレースに挑みました。その成果という部分では出たのですが、残念ながらレースの結果に は繋げられませんでした。マシンのセッティングの問題なのか、モノの問題なのか、はっきりとはしていないのですが、もっともっとツメてやっていくべきものなのだと実感しています。今回は、将来のあるライダーということで、紀行と一緒に瑛大も 参戦しました。キャリアを積まなければ、速くも強くも成れない、ということで、経験をさせたくて今回K-maxから出場させました。初めてのバイクで、久しぶりの鈴鹿(フルコースでの走行はほぼ初体験)でしたが、毎回毎回走るたびにタイムアップをし ていきました。転倒もありましたが、ケガもなかったですし、上出来です。この経験を着実に身に着けていってもらいたいと思います。まだ、決まってはいないのですが、次戦のインドネシアでも、できれば走らせたいと思ってます。皆さん紀行とと もに瑛大にも、引き続き応援よろしくお願いします」
Kensuke Haga | Team
Representative and Director
"This time, as a race held in our local area, we replenished things we lacked in the
opening race and the second race which were the first race of the team, and also refreshed the engine and other parts
then challenged the race. Although we could see the outcome of our preparation, unfortunately it did not show in the result
of the race. At this point, I am not too certain whether it was the machine
setting problem or a problem of the machine itself,
but I realised that more work needs to be done. This time, we participated with
Akito who is a racer with a bright future. I believe he needs to gain more
experiences and careers to grow as a strong and fast racer which is why I let
him race in K-max this time. Although it was not his first time to run Suzuka
course, since it was almost his first time to race the full course and with his
motorcycle, it was probably a
challenge for him, but I am proud that he
managed to cut down his time every time he ran and there was no injury even
though there was a few falls. I am sure he learnt and experienced a lot from
this race. I have not decided yet but if there is a possibility, I would like
to take him with me to the next race in Indonesia. I really appreciate your
support and cheers for myself and Noriyuki as well as Akito. "

芳賀紀行 | ライダー
「走り出しから悪くなかったのでセッティングもそれほど変更することなく、セットアップをしていきました。予選セッションでは、きっちりウィークベストまで持っていけました。ただ、違うセッティングを試したレース1では完全に外してしまっ ていて、タイヤの選択ミスもあって、終わってしまいました。 レース2では少しセッティングを戻して挑んだのですが、リアタイヤがうまく機能せず、ペースが上げられないまま、何もできないレースとなってしまいました。残念な結果ですが、しっかり鈴鹿を走ったことで、R6のキャラもしっかりとつかむことがで き、理解としては進んでいるので、次戦以降もしっかりやっていきます」
Noriyuki Haga | Rider
"Since it was not
a bad start, I set up without making too many changes that I was able to bring it up to the week best at
the qualifying session, but in the final race1, choosing the
different setting and tires was a big mistake. In race 2, I changed the setting
a little back to before but the rear tire did not work well that I could not
accelerate much. I feel like I was powerless and could not do anything in the
race. It was a disappointing result, but by running
Suzuka’s course, I was able to get a feel of the character of
R6 and I am understanding it better, so I will continue to
do my best from the next round."